Channel: FlippingOldschool
Category: Gaming
Tags: runescapetwo new items osrsnew update osrsraids 3 osrsosrs itemsupdate osrsbeneath curse sandsnew quest osrstwo new items were just added to osrsosrs updateoldschool runescape updateosrsweekly recap osrsold school runescapenew items osrskeris osrsbeneath cursed sandsosrs recaposrs new questkeris partisan
Description: Today the new quest beneath cursed sands has been released. With it two new items have been added to oldschool runescape. We have the keris partisan and the circlet of water. Today I am going to be covering the new quest and rewards. I will also be covering the rest of todays update in this weekly recap. In addition to the quest, a few major changes have been made to the pharoes scepter. As always I will be covering this as well as anything else interesting in the osrs community this week Beneath Cursed Sands 0:00 - Intro 0:28 - Beneath Cursed Sands 3:42 - Pharos Scepter Change 5:06 - Inventory Changes 6:45 - PvP Arena Poll Thanks for watching --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ironside Click here to customize your own PC Use my coupon code "flipping" for a 5% discount! Grand Exchange Tracker Discord Music Used Krik Twitch: Twitter: Clan Chat: "FlippingOSRS" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you to my Youtube members! Gohma CJ Rouse Faerell 2000 Btd6 K1ng Herieman Mexose Tyler Mccutcheon Guy Fawkes Brandton Graffin Samon sounds Septiikos WolfoftheHunt ndm0001 yoyosup 89 Timothy Chen Basstich MageOfLink Whales FTW Nova Ocilot Kush Patel Clarko William Corley Vasil Cholakov Michael